Anaconda GUI Commands

Anaconda GUI commands lives into the commands package of the anaconda plugin root directory. Each one is an isolated piece of code that normally depends in some way of the anaconda_lib package where common functionallity is implemented.

note: this is true with the exception of the Vagrant related commands that are all contained into the commands/ file and the tests runner related commands that are contained into the commands/ files because it made sense to put commands that are feature related into the same file.

Anatomy of an anaconda GUI command

Usually, anaconda GUI commands surprises new developers because their simplicity, that is because anaconda commands are really dumb and they know nothing about how to execute any of the actions related to them.

The only that an anaconda GUI command has to know how to do is to capture where the cursor is located into a buffer, the buffer itself and the name of the file being edited and pass that information to the anacoda's callback system that will handle the command trigger and delegate all the heavy process to the JsonServer while register a callback to process the response when it is ready to be delivered.

Every anaconda command has to know how to process the results from the callback system and how to present this information to the end user.

The ususal design of an anaconda GUI command is as follows:

# Copyright (C) 2013 ~ 2014 - Oscar Campos <>
# This program is Free Software see LICENSE file for details

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

from ..anaconda_lib.worker import Worker
from ..anaconda_lib.callback import Callback
from ..anaconda_lib.helpers import prepare_send_data, is_python

class AnacondaWhatever(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    """Clear docstring about what this command do

    data = None  # this will be filled and used later

    def run(self, edit):
        """This is triggered by the Sublime Text 3 plugin system

        if is None:
                loc = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin())
                jserver_command = 'whatever'
                jserver_handler = 'jedi'
                data = prepare_send_data(
                    loc, jserver_command, jserver_handler
                    Callback(on_success=self.prepare_data), **data)
            except Exception as error:

    def is_enabled(self):
        """Determine if this command is enabled or not

        return is_python(self.view)

    def prepare_data(self, data):
        This command is passed as callback so it's called when
        a result has been delivered from the JsonServer after
        process the command `whatever` request

        if data['success'] is True:
   = data['data']
            if is None or == '':

    def print_data(self, edit):
        """Dummy func that shows how to print data in a panel

        data_panel = self.view.window().create_output_panel(
        region = sublime.Region(0, data_panel.size())
        data_panel.erase(edit, region)
        data_panel.insert(edit, 0, = None
            'show_panel', {'panel': 'output.anaconda_data'}

    def _show_status(self):
        """If something goes wrong, just inform the user

            'anaconda_data', 'Anaconda: Something went wrong!'
            lambda: self.view.erase_status('anaconda_data'), 5000

Let me walk you into the code block by block

# Copyright (C) 2013 ~ 2014 - Oscar Campos <>
# This program is Free Software see LICENSE file for details

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

from ..anaconda_lib.worker import Worker
from ..anaconda_lib.callback import Callback
from ..anaconda_lib.helpers import prepare_send_data, is_python

Here we import the Worker, Calback and some helpers being the prepare_send_data the most important one. Worker class instances knows how to communicate themselves with the JsonServer and execute commands on it as Workers know how to speak Json with the anconda_server.

We use a Callback instance to register the command callback that has to be fired when the JsonServer returns back some data and the command is success (AnacondaWhatever.prepare_data in this case).

The prepeare_send_data helper is commonly used in all the commands and listeners to maintain the code clean and don't repeat code all around (remember, we have to maintain the code as DRY as possible always that it makes sense as it improves it's maintainability).

The is_python helper is used to activate this command and make it available under Contextual Menu and Command Palette (or even to don't execute it if is called from the Sublime Text 3 console) only in Python files.

note: is a requirement that all the anaconda commands include a method to deactivate or activate them depending on the context, that is mandatory.

class AnacondaWhatever(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    """Clear docstring about what this command do

    data = None  # this will be filled and used later

In this case, we need to inherit our class from the sublime_plugin.TextCommand class as we need to write into a panel in the GUI (for detailed information about how to write code for Sublime Text 3, refer to it's API reference documentation).

We define a class level property called data that will be used later.

def run(self, edit):
        """This is triggered by the Sublime Text 3 plugin system

        if is None:

We use the data property to know when we have to fire the command execution into the JsonServer or process it results when they become available reusing the Sublime Text 3 plugin call functionallity itself.

                loc = self.view.rowcol(self.view.sel()[0].begin())

We always enclose the code into a try except block just to don't fail miserably in case that something goes wrong. As I already anoted before, we capture the current location of the cursor in the current buffer and store it in the loc variable.

                jserver_command = 'whatever'
                jserver_handler = 'jedi'
                data = prepare_send_data(
                    loc, jserver_command, jserver_handler

The jserver_command is the command that we want to execute in the JsonServer context, this command is suposed to be handled by the jedi handler (that's not true as this command does not exists but this is useful for our ilustrative purposes) so this is translated to

Hey JsonServer, use the jedi handler to execute the whatever command

Then we prepare the data that we are going to send to the JsonSever using the prepare_send_data command that just prepare a common JSON structure for us represented as a Python dictionary.

                    Callback(on_success=self.prepare_data), **data)

This is an important piece of code here. We instantiate a new instance of the Worker class and call it's execute method with two argumnets.

  1. An instance of the Callback class with the on_success callback set as self.prepare_data

  2. The data dictionary that was prepared in the previous block unpacked

            except Exception as error:

If there is some exceptio we just logging the error in the Sublime Text 3 console. The else correspond to the first conditional check, this is hit when we have a result comming back from the JsonServer and our function is called again by the callback that we passed to the Callback instance.

    def prepare_data(self, data):
        if data['success'] is True:
   = data['data']
            if is None or == '':

This piece of code is pretty straightforward, this method is called when there is a result available in the Callback mechanism with a single parameters that is whatever response that came from the JsonServer after process our request.

We check that the request was sucessful and then set the value of the property with the data that the JsonServer returned back. If there is no data at all, we call the method self._show_status() that just display an error message to the user in the status bar.

Otherwise we call the AnacondaWhatever method again using the internal Sublime Text 3 API call, as the property is set, it will hit the else conditional at the begining of the run method and then the print_data dummy method will be called.

note: the specific data structure that is returned back from the JsonServer will be explained in subsequent sections

def print_data(self, edit):
        """Dummy func that shows how to print data in a panel

        data_panel = self.view.window().create_output_panel(
        region = sublime.Region(0, data_panel.size())
        data_panel.erase(edit, region)
        data_panel.insert(edit, 0, = None
            'show_panel', {'panel': 'output.anaconda_data'}

When we write the data that came back from the JsonServer into the panel we set the as None so subsequent calls to the AnacondaWhatever command will trigger the call to the JsonServer, otherwise we would get the same panel again and again. This is how we reuse the built-in Sublime Text 3 plugin call mechanism in a way that allow us to be 100% asynchronous for real.

The is_enabled and _show_status methods doesn't deserve an explanation as they are common methods with no special code on them.

How are the commands injected into the plugin?

The anaconda main entry point ( file in the root directory) just includes a line that import all the symbols in the commands package. The exported symbols in the package are controlled by the script into the commands directory so when you add a new command, you have to make sure that it is being part of the __all__ list.

# Copyright (C) 2013 - Oscar Campos <>
# This program is Free Software see LICENSE file for details

from .doc import AnacondaDoc
from .goto import AnacondaGoto
from .rename import AnacondaRename
from .mccabe import AnacondaMcCabe
from .get_lines import AnacondaGetLines
from .autoimport import AnacondaAutoImport
from .autoformat import AnacondaAutoFormat
from .find_usages import AnacondaFindUsages
from .enable_linting import AnacondaEnableLinting
from .next_lint_error import AnacondaNextLintError
from .disable_linting import AnacondaDisableLinting
from .complete_func_args import AnacondaCompleteFuncargs
from .set_python_interpreter import AnacondaSetPythonInterpreter
from .test_runner import (
    AnacondaRunCurrentFileTests, AnacondaRunProjectTests,
    AnacondaRunCurrentTest, AnacondaRunLastTest
from .vagrant import (
    AnacondaVagrantEnable, AnacondaVagrantInit, AnacondaVagrantStatus,
    AnacondaVagrantUp, AnacondaVagrantReload, AnacondaVagrantSsh

__all__ = [

Anything that is not part of the __all__ list of exported objects will not be available in the plugin.

Last updated